Browsing All posts tagged under »relationships«

The secret of happiness

February 17, 2012


We all want to be happy.. I know I desperately want to be. Not just happy, ecstatically so. And I recently read a book, which really made me think.. Its called The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes. The secret of happiness The Secret says that only you are responsible for your happiness and sadness. You have […]

How to attract a woman

January 25, 2012


God! I feel like I’m betraying my kind here! Writing this stuff down for all you guys to read. And I’m hoping that you really like this girl if you were willing to get on the internet to do a little research on it. So shall we begin? Let’s start from the basics. How to […]

Why do girls like bad boys

January 23, 2012


My recent post got me thinking, do women really like bad boys? I mean, why is it that nice women end up with guys who treat them like dirt? Why do these nice women put up with it? Why do seemingly nice guys start acting strange when they finally get the girl? So many questions! […]

From my past relationships I learned

January 23, 2012


There are times when I find myself thinking of my old relationships and wondering whether I did the right thing ending things when I did. Maybe if I had put in a little effort, things would have been different. I don’t regret breaking up but I just can’t help wondering whether I gave up too […]

Things that women should know about men

January 16, 2012


I know there probably is like a pretty big list, but here are some things I’ve learnt from the multitude of relationships I have been in. Some are taken from guy friends who somehow always seem more into their girlfriends than any of my boyfriends were in me. Without much further ado, here they are! […]